"In a housing shortage, everyone loses, from homeowners who see their neighbors or even their children priced out of the city, to businesses who can't keep staff... Of course, the people who lose the most are low-income and vulnerable renters."

"Cambridge purports to be a progressive and welcoming community to all; unfortunately, the continued existence of single-family-only zoning in some areas of the city – areas that were once labeled in HOLC maps as the 'desirable' portions of Cambridge – means that Cambridge fails to live up to this vision of itself."

MIT Graduate
Student Council
"Like many cities, Cambridge has a long history of exclusionary housing policies that legalized housing discrimination. Amending zoning laws to eliminate such exclusionary policies is a step towards beginning to right housing inequity and promoting diversity throughout the city. As such, the MIT GSC urges the Cambridge City Council to adopt the Missing Middle Housing Petition to ensure Cambridge can be affordable for everyone, including students."

LOCAL Zoning and Policy Researcher AMY Dain
"To meet demand for housing, the region will need to allow more housing in the historic centers and also at municipal edges. But, ideally, more housing would also go into the region's existing neighborhoods, especially ones that are walkable and connected to commercial areas and options for public transportation, like many of the neighborhoods in Cambridge are."