Take Action
Thank you for being a housing and climate hero! Here are four things you can do to help:
Email the City Council! Email council@cambridgema.gov, clerk@cambridgema.gov, and cambridgemmh@gmail.com. If you are close with any individual Councillor, reach out to them privately.
Tell three friends! Most people simply don't know that new apartments are effectively banned in most neighborhoods, or haven't thought about the connections to the housing and climate crises, or to racism and classism. For social media shareables, see our Share page.
Learn more about zoning! Watch Senator Warren talk about the harms of exclusionary zoning, or Professor Niko Bowie talk about its racist origins. Read the FAQ, the petition narrative, the latest updates, or any of the other resources on our main page. Ask us any questions at cambridgemmh@gmail.com! The more informed you are, the better an advocate you can be.
If you haven't yet, sign the petition below! That way we can send you updates about upcoming hearings.